2024 NEMC officers |
President Eric Cressey
Events Coordinator |
President of Vice,and
Membership Chair
Brian Ouellette |
Judy Gross |
Jannel Oullette |
Dennis Sasserville |
Moxie (Matthews)
Museum President,
George Gross |
Temporary Media Editor,
Merrill Lewis. |
Quinn Golden |
Members present at the 2024 meeting.

Members present at the 2023 Meeting held on 7/10 at
the Seashore Trolley Museum, Kennebunkport ME..
Members present at the 2021
meeting held at the Moxie Wing of the Matthews Museum

Some of the attendees of the annual Congressional meeting
held at the Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport ME.
Unfortunately, no meeting was able to be held in 2020.
Items available exclusively for NEMC members to order:

NEMC polo shirts - $35.00 each (specify size and quantity);
membership patches - $3.50 each (specify Life or Annual membership) |
Send order for specified items along with a check or
MO made out to NEMC to Judy Gross, 17 Goodhue Lane, Barre VT 05641 |